So Let it be Written, So Let it be Done!

May 13, 2010

Dating was Easier in Elementary School

Filed under: dating,kamakula — kamakula @ 1:00 pm
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In my elementary school, if someone liked you, a piece of paper would randomly make it to your desk asking “Do you like me”? There would be two carefully drawn boxes next to the words “Yes” and “No”. All you had to do was check the box. Simple, efficient, fast, and neat.

As we got older, something told us that we needed to obfuscate the direct path between ‘I like you’ and ‘let’s hang out’. We spend time furtively reading articles on how to tell if a man is interested in you. Or what signs a woman gives if she wants you to “approach”. Yes. We know FIRST check for signs of if he or she wants us to even talk to them, let alone whether or not they are actually interested.

Perhaps because as adults, we may need to weed out a much larger number of potential suitors, and thus we have established a much more complex ritual of winks and secret smiles that only the one for whom it is truly intended (or who has read the correct books) can decipher.

Another things is that for some reason, as we have grown older, we apparently have acquired a fear of disappointing others. Whatever number of years ago it was, you just checked that NO box if you weren’t interested. Case closed. Now, you still give out your phone number, maybe even return a couple calls, then stop. The nicer ones give out fake numbers so that the more astute pursuer takes the hint immediately, though I’m sure there are some out there who go “NOOOOoooo, how did I transcribe those digits incorrectly” and spend the next hour trying any and all permuations of phone numbers where they can swap a 4 for a 9 or 1 for 7.

Yes. I realize most people don’t use the word ‘transcribe’ even when talking to themselves.

So, to help myself, I’ve come up with a few rules to guide my post digit getting behavior:

  1. If any conversation about going out again results in you being ignored until you change the subject, delete after the second occurrence.
  2. If you both are unable to find a common time (or make one) and things come up that for some reason nobody else can cover for you, delete after the second occurrence.
  3. If you are the only person ever changing your schedule, or the other person is never available for you, but you for them, delete after the third occurrence.
  4. If they never return your calls, delete after the third occurrence.

And there are a couple others. Essentially, I think to myself, what sort of behavior would I tolerate from my friends. If my friends can’t get away with it, then someone new in your life shouldn’t be given that freedom either.


  1. First of all lmao @ the fake number paragraph. Tee hee. Second of all your rules were pretty on point. I exchanged #s w/ a dude last week. He didn’t call. I got my grown woman on and actually called. Left a message. No response. Fine then. Be like that. Delete. Lol. And third of all you come to the 5spot all the time – thought I’d come visit. Waves and says, “heyyyyy!”

    Comment by Rum Punch — May 18, 2010 @ 2:54 pm | Reply

  2. Hey Rum Punch, thanks for the visit 😉

    I’m still giving people fourth and fifth chances, especially when things seemed to go well. I haven’t decided if I should work on modifying that response and being quicker to delete someone. Though it’s not like if they actually end up calling back in a week or two, I’d have totally forgotten who it was.

    Comment by kamakula — May 29, 2010 @ 9:25 am | Reply

  3. Hey, I randomly found your blog through someone sharing your “do you like me? no or no” pic on facebook. I thought it would make an awesome shirt, and wonder if you know who the orig. artist is. Thanks!

    Comment by Jacob Balson — September 28, 2010 @ 1:12 pm | Reply

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